A tuning fork is a device used for calibrating musical instruments to a particular frequency (pitch).

If you make one tuning fork vibrate, another one (nearby), of the same frequency, that is not moving will also start vibrating and making a sound.

If you cause one that emits a different frequency to vibrate, another one of that same frequency will start vibrating and will produce a sound.

Every tuning fork of the same frequency will begin to vibrate if another one of the same frequency is set in vibration.

Everything in the Universe is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Everything that we see, even if it looks solid and motionless, is actually vibrating. The smallest chemical particle of which everything is composed is the atom. It consists of a nucleus containing neutrons and protons, together with electrons that rotate at great velocity around it.

Everything emits a vibration of a certain frequency.

You are constantly vibrating.

It is easy to experience this directly. When you are feeling happy, you feel light because you are vibrating in a certain way; when you are feeling sad, you feel heavy, and it is obvious that you are vibrating at a heavier frequency.

I invite you to consider that the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electroencephalogram (EEG) detect the electrical activity in the heart and brain respectively.

These electromagnetic vibrations cause the body to vibrate and to act as a resonance chamber for the frequency that is then amplified beyond its source.

We behave in the same way as tuning forks.

The same dynamic is in operation.

You can sense when someone is feeling serene, peaceful and happy, or angry and agitated, just by sharing their space. They do not even need to speak.

This is because you pick up their fundamental vibration.

You are affected by their vibration, and by interacting with them you affect them as well yourself.

Unconsciously, you are always attracted to, and you attract, people who are vibrating at the same frequency, or the closest frequency to your own.

Some 5% of your life is governed by your conscious mind. The other 95% is governed or directed by your subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the one that chooses, that decides.

The subconscious mind is the one in charge of the Automatic Nervous System that regulates breathing, body temperature, digestion and all the physiological functions that are constantly in operation.

It is extremely powerful.

It is also the part of your mind that allows you to wake up in the morning without having to re-learn how to walk, cook, drive or do anything else.

The first time you learned those things, you had to use your conscious mind until it became habitual for you to be able to do them, and now only your subconscious mind is working to allow you to perform them while you employ your conscious mind to do something else.

When you drive, in fact, you can be listening to the radio or be talking to someone, still perfectly able to drive carefully.

You do not learn only how to drive first consciously and then unconsciously: you also learn everything else in the same way, such as how to relate to others, what to believe about yourself, others and life, and so on, though most of this learning may seem totally unconscious to you. You could have acquired these beliefs without even consciously knowing that you have, yet in the back of your mind particular assumptions and mental models are operating.

This gives rise to some thoughts, images, and emotions. The cells responsible for mental and emotional feelings are neurons that emit electrical signals, causing the body (your resonance chamber) to vibrate in a certain way that will resonate, attract things, people and circumstances of the same frequency.

Your conscious mind is decisional.

Your subconscious mind is habitual and repeats the same patterns until something else is accepted by it.

Have you ever heard the saying: “It never rains, but it pours”

It is true, and precisely because of what we have just considered. People who believe, think and generate a particular emotion (most of the time unconsciously) will predominantly give off vibrations that resonate with such thoughts and emotions.

Have you ever met someone who is living a miserable life and often complaining and talking about their dislikes?

Do you think that is a coincidence?

Have you ever known someone who is living a pleasant life and often talking about what they appreciate and enjoy, and almost never, or only rarely, complaining?

Do you think that is a coincidence?

Could it be that the person who focuses on what he or she does not like is generating certain thoughts and emotions that make them vibrate at a certain frequency, resonating with and attracting similar things?

The same dynamic would apply to the person who is focusing, thinking and talking about what she or he enjoys.

Every time you focus on something, unless you are very much conscious and able to maintain the same emotion that you choose to generate, you are affected by your focal point.

I am generalizing now of course, although it seems to me that society mainly offers focal points of a negative nature. In focusing over and over on the things you dislike, you get into the automatic habit of doing so, and you generate certain thoughts and emotions that resonate with things, people and situations of the same frequency.

Do this:

Raise both your arms with your index fingers raised as if you are indicating number one.

Keep your fingers directly in front of you.

Focus on the background. You are aware of the two fingers but they are out of focus.

Now focus on the finger of your left hand. The background and the other finger move out of focus.

Now focus on the finger of your right hand. The background and the other finger move out of focus.

Now see if you can keep both fingers and the background in focus at the same time.

You cannot.

It is impossible.

Imagine that the left-hand finger represents what you do not like and the right-hand finger is what you do like.

You are always focusing and concentrating on either one or the other.

If you were always, or at least predominantly, focusing on what you do like, your life would certainly change.

When you think of something unpleasant or you look at something you do not like, you feel a certain way and emit a vibration of a certain kind.

The same thing happens when you focus on what you do like, when you think of things you positively appreciate.

A very powerful thing you can do to improve your life right here and now is to consciously focus on positive things, things you can be grateful for.

You can decide right now that every time you find yourself focusing on something negative (unless you are working to change it, or to change your attitude towards it), you will shift your Focal Point instead onto something positive.

This will have an impact on your vibrational state; then your whole body, just like the tuning fork, will resonate with situations, people and things of the same frequency.

Once this becomes habitual and your subconscious mind accepts it as a new learning, you will probably find yourself constantly living a pleasant life.